Midnight Astronaut was developed from 2011-2012 by Johnny Cheng, Natalie Barton, Alex Padham, and myself. The game follows the story of an unlikely astronaut as he explores strange planets in the search of the unobtainable. The player must navigate through open space by locking on and pulling the character toward space debris. Throughout the game the character is being hunted by a terrible nightmare and must fight it by launching space debris at it. There are seven planets to visit in Midnight Astronaut each one contains a clue that will lead the player to the final hidden planet.
For this project I managed a team of students and together we developed Midnight Astronaut over a three month period.
Midnight Astronaut was developed in AS3 with the Flixel game library.
The game was designed to be installed in an arcade cabinet and was shown at Baltimore's Gamescape 2012.